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Idioms Game

A game where you have to find which phrase is an idiom and which on is not.

Example Screenshot


The game is about choosing a phrase that is an idiom. There are two different phrases. One of them is an idiom, and one of them is not. There is a kitty that is constantly moving from left to right, and you have to click a button to stop the kitty. If the phrase which is an idiom is on the left side, you have to stop the kitty while it’s on the left side. After you stop the kitty, you get to know if you are correct or incorrect and you can continue to the next question.

Technologies Used

Html, JavaScript


When I was in 6th grade.


In 6th grade, my teacher assigned everyone to learn about a different literature related topic. My friend and I got idioms. We had to make a project to teach our classmates about our topic. We made a video about idioms and a html game.


What I learned